But perhaps if I return to my Word Count Wednesday posts, I'll keep myself somewhat accountable.
What Have I Been Working On?
Well, I am between projects right now. During the summer, I wrote a chapter book about bug friends (sort of a Sandlot of the Insect World). I also wrote a new one-act comedy about an Escape Room. That's about it. (Oh, Chris and I also finished the second act of our play, All Inclusive.) I still seem to be reluctant to dive into a monumental work the size of Duck Town or Camp Omigosh... in part because I am lazy and in part because those larger projects never seem to pique the interest of editors.
But right now, I'm just tinkering with new ideas. Very underdeveloped ideas. Just brainstorming.
Word Count: Zero
How Do I Feel About the Process?
Well, since I am still in the brainstorming stage and haven't shifted into the actual writing part, part of me feels like I need to simply choose a project on which to focus and then start writing. However, if I am not ABSOLUTELY INSPIRED by a story idea, then that story usually falls flat...
So right now, I am in lightning rod mode. I weathering this brainstorm until inspiration strikes.