Books and Plays by Wade Bradford; Plays for children - comedic monologue - comedic female monologues - drama resources - creative writing class - scbwi members - publishing business - how to be a children's book author - middle grade novel - fantasy novels - writing prompts
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Coming Soon -- All Inclusive: A New Comedy by Bradford and Flowers
Get ready for the theatrical journey of a lifetime! Prepare for waves of laughter, a hurricane of comedy, and just a pinch of romance. (Be careful, the crabs do pinch!)
Join us September 13th - 22nd for a vacation into the imagination of playwrights Wade Bradford and Christopher Flowers!
All Inclusive is the story of Mr. MaCa'a and his delightful island paradise. At least he thinks it's a paradise. However, when the first guests / disgruntled spouses Rick and Kathy arrive at what was supposed to be a five-star resort, they realize that MaCa-a's island is less of a delight and more of a disaster.
Stay tuned for more information about cast, crew, and tickets!
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
The Glorious Summer Blur
During certain years in the past, I have blogged every summer day, recording each date to help preserve it in my memory. These months of creative freedom are precious to me. Silly as that may sound.
So far this summer, I haven't really done that. In part, I think, this may be because I've been having fun on Instagram, taking snapshots during most of the days. But, more likely, I haven't been blogging on a daily basis because many of the days blur together in a wonderful haze, a combination of relaxation and productivity.
There have been exceptional days, of course. Emily's graduation. Mackenzie's latest hospital visit which resulted in a surprisingly good diagnosis (no MS!!! No Syrynx!!! No permanent nerve damage!!! And it seems the occupational therapy has alleviated most if not all of her symptoms!)
Aside from those exceptions, many of the days contain much of the same ingredients.
-- I wake up between 8 and 9 am
-- I exercise a little bit (40 sit ups, 20 push ups, 20 lifts, 20 mountain climbers)
-- I spend time with the dogs
-- I go some place to write (usually a Starbucks)
-- I do some errands / chores with Cheri
-- I walk the dogs
-- hang out with the girls
-- I usually write outside in the yard (with the dogs)
-- we eat dinner (sometimes at home, sometimes out somewhere)
In addition to my novel, I have also been:
-- writing new picture books (one has been submitted this week)
-- working on All Inclusive (the new Bradford / Flowers play)
-- revising Visions in the Midnight Realm
When I'm too tired to work on my writing, I entertain myself with...
-- going out to the movies (Cheri and I watched Toy Story 4 & Rocketman)
-- going to some plays (Ernest & Moonlight and Magnolias)
-- binge watching shows with David Tennant (Good Omens, Jessica Jones)
-- reading / listening to Stephen King (Dreamcatcher & Insomnia)
-- playing my snowboarding video game
-- reading old Spiderman comics (online)
I've been doing my best to avoid eating sugar. I'm trying to get more fit than my current state. I could stand to lose five to ten pounds, but the scale has read about 170 all summer long.
When I get tired at night, I make bad food choices, so I really should just go to bed earlier than I do.
So far, this summer is glorious! I hope yours is too.
Leave me a comment to let me know what you're up to!
There have been exceptional days, of course. Emily's graduation. Mackenzie's latest hospital visit which resulted in a surprisingly good diagnosis (no MS!!! No Syrynx!!! No permanent nerve damage!!! And it seems the occupational therapy has alleviated most if not all of her symptoms!)
Aside from those exceptions, many of the days contain much of the same ingredients.
-- I wake up between 8 and 9 am
-- I exercise a little bit (40 sit ups, 20 push ups, 20 lifts, 20 mountain climbers)
-- I spend time with the dogs
-- I go some place to write (usually a Starbucks)
-- I do some errands / chores with Cheri
-- I walk the dogs
-- hang out with the girls
-- I usually write outside in the yard (with the dogs)
-- we eat dinner (sometimes at home, sometimes out somewhere)
In addition to my novel, I have also been:
-- writing new picture books (one has been submitted this week)
-- working on All Inclusive (the new Bradford / Flowers play)
-- revising Visions in the Midnight Realm
When I'm too tired to work on my writing, I entertain myself with...
-- going out to the movies (Cheri and I watched Toy Story 4 & Rocketman)
-- going to some plays (Ernest & Moonlight and Magnolias)
-- binge watching shows with David Tennant (Good Omens, Jessica Jones)
-- reading / listening to Stephen King (Dreamcatcher & Insomnia)
-- playing my snowboarding video game
-- reading old Spiderman comics (online)
I've been doing my best to avoid eating sugar. I'm trying to get more fit than my current state. I could stand to lose five to ten pounds, but the scale has read about 170 all summer long.
When I get tired at night, I make bad food choices, so I really should just go to bed earlier than I do.
So far, this summer is glorious! I hope yours is too.
Leave me a comment to let me know what you're up to!
Tuesday, June 18, 2019
Friday, June 14, 2019
The Five O'Clock Frazzle
I spent most of the day writing... and yet today's word count is lighter than most. I never got writer's blocked, but things got a little slow in places... The characters are kind of in a jam -- as they should be in an adventure story -- and it hasn't been easy to get them out. Maybe they won't get out! I don't know how this book is going to end!
I've noticed that on these days when I have the time and energy to write most of the morning and afternoon, I start to get a little bit frazzled by five o'clock. It's like I could keep writing... but it's not going to be very good stuff... at least it's not going to move the plot along. When I start getting close to five o'clock, there's more talking and less action with the characters.
So, now it's after five... I'm telling myself to take a break, so what am I doing. Blogging!
I need to find something to cleanse my mental pallet and give me some fuel for tomorrow's writing adventure.
I've noticed that on these days when I have the time and energy to write most of the morning and afternoon, I start to get a little bit frazzled by five o'clock. It's like I could keep writing... but it's not going to be very good stuff... at least it's not going to move the plot along. When I start getting close to five o'clock, there's more talking and less action with the characters.
So, now it's after five... I'm telling myself to take a break, so what am I doing. Blogging!
I need to find something to cleanse my mental pallet and give me some fuel for tomorrow's writing adventure.
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
Creativity + Productivity = Happy Wade
Oh, let me tell you people... Summer is feeling so good right now!
The book is cruising along at light speed. Or, at the very least, it is surprisingly on schedule. Will anybody read it? Who knows? Will it ever be traditionally published? No idea? Am I still incompetent and marketing and promotion? You bet!
But who cares? The book is coming to life!!!! It's almost at the halfway point!
And, to top it all off, after a morning and afternoon dedicated to the novel, I came up with a new idea for a picture book. So, I guess what I'm saying is... It's time to dance!
Tuesday, June 11, 2019
Free Digital Download of Camp Omigosh
Celebrate the joy of Summer reading with a free digital download of my middle grade adventure novel: Camp Omigosh!!!
You can download a PDF of the book (did I mention it's FREE???) from my Teachers Pay Teachers Page. This summer marks the 4 year anniversary of my first middle-grade novel. It's been a labor of love, brought to life by the incredible team at Skyrocket Press.
So many people, of all ages, have told me how much they would love to read a sequel. And I would love to write one, but to be honest... There haven't been enough people reading the book. According to Amazon, I've sold about 300 copies. I'm very grateful to all of my readers. I'd just like to have some more people interested before returning to the exciting world of Camp Omigosh.
So... here's how you can help...
Tell your friends... the best summer camp in the world (maybe even the universe) is waiting for you!
(Would you rather read the paperback edition? Click on the image... it's on sale for $12.55...)

You can download a PDF of the book (did I mention it's FREE???) from my Teachers Pay Teachers Page. This summer marks the 4 year anniversary of my first middle-grade novel. It's been a labor of love, brought to life by the incredible team at Skyrocket Press.
So many people, of all ages, have told me how much they would love to read a sequel. And I would love to write one, but to be honest... There haven't been enough people reading the book. According to Amazon, I've sold about 300 copies. I'm very grateful to all of my readers. I'd just like to have some more people interested before returning to the exciting world of Camp Omigosh.
So... here's how you can help...
Tell your friends... the best summer camp in the world (maybe even the universe) is waiting for you!
(Would you rather read the paperback edition? Click on the image... it's on sale for $12.55...)
Monday, June 10, 2019
Resolution Check-In: June 2019 Edition
We're at the halfway point, people! And I'm kind falling behind on some of these goals, but to be fair that's because I'm taking on a brand new project that's a bit more ambitious than anything esle on this list. I'll explain more after we go through the resolutions. Here they are!
1) Gain More Followers
I want to achieve at least one of the following...
I want to end the year with 1000 subscribers on YouTube. (I currently have: 311... It's been that way for a while.)
1000 people signed up for my Newsletter. ( Currently, no newsletter exists, neither is there a sign-up list.)
Gain a total of 1000 followers of my Author Page on Facebook.... (Currently, there are 240 followers)
So far, the YouTube channel has made the most progress, but it still has a long way to go...
ACHIEVEMENT: 31% Complete
2) Make 24 YouTube Videos
This year I have currently uploaded 18 videos. Some of them are very short and somewhat pointless and have very little views... but hey, what matters is I'm posting stuff!
If you're reading this, why not visit my youTube page and subscribe???
ACHIEVEMENT: 75% Complete
3) Sell Another Picture Book and/or Chapter Book
The Buggle Bunch chapter book has been sent to five different publishers. So far it has been politely turned down by one house... We are still waiting to see what the other editors have to say.
ACHIEVEMENT: 0% Complete
4) Write / Sell Another Play
Here's the thing... I am really caught up in the new novel I am writing. If i am lucky, I might finish the first draft by the end of August. But then there's all that revising to do, and school will start... So, writing and selling a new play is going to definitely be a challenge. Hopefully it will happen, but if I need to sacrifice a play in order to finish writing my novel, i will happily make that sacrifice.
ACHIEVEMENT: 0% Complete
5) Follow my New Creative Calendar (at least 52 times)
I've really dropped the ball on this one... The original goal was to have themed days that I could play around with on social media and on this blog...
Monday -- Money Makin' Mondays
-- each passing week I brainstorm, scheme, and implement
Tuesday -- Teacherly Tuesdays
Wednesday -- Heroic Humpday (Games and Geeking Out)
Thursday -- Movie / Theater Thursday
Friday -- Friendly Fridays (Good Deeds)
Saturday -- Nostalgic Narratives
Sunday -- Picture Book Sundays
ACHIEVEMENT: 11% Complete
1) Gain More Followers
I want to achieve at least one of the following...
I want to end the year with 1000 subscribers on YouTube. (I currently have: 311... It's been that way for a while.)
1000 people signed up for my Newsletter. ( Currently, no newsletter exists, neither is there a sign-up list.)
Gain a total of 1000 followers of my Author Page on Facebook.... (Currently, there are 240 followers)
So far, the YouTube channel has made the most progress, but it still has a long way to go...
ACHIEVEMENT: 31% Complete
2) Make 24 YouTube Videos
This year I have currently uploaded 18 videos. Some of them are very short and somewhat pointless and have very little views... but hey, what matters is I'm posting stuff!
If you're reading this, why not visit my youTube page and subscribe???
ACHIEVEMENT: 75% Complete
3) Sell Another Picture Book and/or Chapter Book
The Buggle Bunch chapter book has been sent to five different publishers. So far it has been politely turned down by one house... We are still waiting to see what the other editors have to say.
ACHIEVEMENT: 0% Complete
4) Write / Sell Another Play
Here's the thing... I am really caught up in the new novel I am writing. If i am lucky, I might finish the first draft by the end of August. But then there's all that revising to do, and school will start... So, writing and selling a new play is going to definitely be a challenge. Hopefully it will happen, but if I need to sacrifice a play in order to finish writing my novel, i will happily make that sacrifice.
ACHIEVEMENT: 0% Complete
5) Follow my New Creative Calendar (at least 52 times)
I've really dropped the ball on this one... The original goal was to have themed days that I could play around with on social media and on this blog...
Monday -- Money Makin' Mondays
-- each passing week I brainstorm, scheme, and implement
Tuesday -- Teacherly Tuesdays
Wednesday -- Heroic Humpday (Games and Geeking Out)
Thursday -- Movie / Theater Thursday
Friday -- Friendly Fridays (Good Deeds)
Saturday -- Nostalgic Narratives
Sunday -- Picture Book Sundays
But since I've been concentrating on my middle-grade novel, I haven't bothered with this playful, social media stuff -- even though I still really think it's a fun idea, and I think it could help me grow more readership online. Although, I continue to post the Thursday movie questions on facebook, so that's good. All in all, I have had 14 theme-related posts (out of an eventual 52)
ACHIEVEMENT: 11% Complete
Monday, June 3, 2019
My New Writing Spot!
I'm knee deep in a new novel, but decided to take some timeout to talk about my unusual writing process this summer. Normally, I write at home, in my office or in the living room... But these dogs of mine want constant attention (no matter how much I walk them!) and so instead of just sitting under the weight of their stare, I have felt compelled to leave the house.
Surprisingly, I've been getting a lot accomplished just sitting in my car, about a half-mile away from home.
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