Tuesday, June 4, 2024

New Picture Book in the Works


Well, I'm trying my best to stay productive... But it hasn't been easy, since I've received a couple rejection letters in regard to my latest project which Abi sent out into the world. 

Part of me wants to just focus on THE STEPHEN KING BOOK CLUB... since it offers instant gratification. Each video I do gets at least 1000 views (which I know isn't much, but the audience leaves a lot of encouraging comments). And some do quite a bit more... 

Still, deep down, I know that whatever I do with the SKBC, it's just derivative of another man's literary work. And as much fun as it is, if I spent the next ten years doing nothing but Stephen King videos, I'm not sure I would look back on that and feel fulfilled. That's not to say that I don't want to work on these videos over the course of the next decade... I wanna keep making them (at least for now) because they are a lot of fun. But I don't feel like it's my "Great Purpose," if that makes any sense. 

I'm not sure writing books for children is all that GREAT of a PURPOSE... but at least it's more original (or attempts to be). 

All that said, I have finally gotten to work on something that might show promise. I just finished the first draft... and I think it'll need one or two more drafts before it's ready to send to Abi. I'm not sure it overcomes the SO WHAT obstacle... It's sort of a smaller, sweeter story than the Mr Complain / Mr Snore variety... but I think it's kinda cute. 

I'll let you know how it goes!