Friday, November 10, 2017

Free Time on Friday???

It's been weeks since I've had spare time! I've been buried under those essays for so long my brain is more than a bit fried. So that's why today has felt so good. No school. No papers to grade. Just hanging out with family.

Speaking of family, my Mom is in town!

Here we are in a selfie taken by my crappy iPhone 4 camera.

The funny thing is, I haven't been doing very much with my free time. I should be jumping into a new novel, since it's NaNoWriMo. (A writerly tradition in which I have yet to partake.)

I did do one creative thing today. I wrote Draft #12 of my Dragon Picture Book. This time it rhymes... which is probably not a good thing. We'll see what my agent thinks. I have a feeling the Draft #13 is forthcoming.

What else did I do today? My mom bought me some older video games (that were dirt cheap at Game Stop), and so I played a few innings of this baseball game...

I created my own character. His name is Wade the Bade. But the announcers call me Big Daddy. Yeah, I'm pretty much an overnight sports icon. 

So, when I haven't been revising dragons, playing electronic baseball, or walking the dogs, I have spent some of my day preparing for my work week. Checking emails, preparing lesson plans, drafting a report for an upcoming meeting. What the hell is wrong with me???

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