Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Word Count Wednesday - March 8th

What Am I Working On? 

I am still in the middle of Chapter Two of my adventure novel. I am still toying with titles... I started with Kettle Black... but I also like one of our house names, Glowdark. I'll wait and see how the plot develops.

Word Count: 1050 this week. (About 4000 total... not much, but at least it's a start.)

How Do I Feel About the Process?

I don't know if the right story will develop... I am turning out to be more of a Pantzer than usual. Any plot which I have outlined in my mind has been tossed away by the time I sit down to write. The characters are leading me in a good direction so far. I believe if I complete the first five chapters, I will complete the book. (But there are plenty of false start novels in my drawer that reached a mere four chapters... Fingers crossed.)

I am also feeling very good about writing in general because last Friday I received word that a publishing house wants to buy Book #5.... Whoo-hoo! I'll blog more about this later, assuming that everything goes well and a contract is signed. I have learned not to get one's hopes up too high, but I am pleased things are going in a positive direction.

What Am I Reading? 

Nearly done with Malcolm Gladwell's book.

Oh, and I read some more library books about simple machines, including a really wonderful book about ancient architecture called Built to Last.

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