Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year's Resolutions - 2018 Edition

Holy martini shots, 2017 is already wrapped and in the can. That means it's time for lights-camera-action on this bright new year we're calling Two-Thousand-Eighteen.

Last year, I developed a list of six resolutions, and if I may humble-brag a little, I believe it's the only year in my existence in which I attained them. So, this January I'm getting a little bit more ambitious and adding some more, making it a total of ten-- count them! -- ten resolutions, ha ha ha!

Here they are... 

1) Finish Writing a New Novel

2) Sell a New Picture Book

3) Write / Sell a New Play

4) Complete 200 Days of Writing (at least 30 Minutes each session)

5) Participate in 10 Book Events / Signings

6) Complete 100 five minute work-out sessions

7) Practice Drawing / Coloring for 100 hours

8) Develop a Stronger Marketing Platform

9) Create a portfolio with at least 12 awesome photos (make a calendar)
     Bonus Achievement: Organize family Videos / Scrapbooking Stuff

10) Learn "Ashokan Farewell" on the piano.

There it is, in all its glory. Do you have new resolutions this year? As always, feel free to share your list, either in the Blog Comments, or come hang out with me on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr