I should have done this a while ago! But I had forgotten about it.
You see, back when Trump was about to take the White House in 2017, I made a blog post to keep track of some stats... You can find it here.
And now that Trump will be returning to the White House (*shudder*) it's time to check on some of this info again!
Here we go:
U.S. Population: 334.9 Million (2023)
-- that's up from 318.9 Million (2016)
National Debt 35.95 Trillion
-- that's up from 13.62 Trillion (2016?)
Life Expectancy: 77.43 years
-- that's down from 78.74 years
Percentage of Americans without Health Insurance: 8% (2023)
-- that's down from 11% (2016)
Number of Cancer Deaths in 2023: 609,820
-- that's up from 2015: 564,800
Number of Heart Disease deaths in 2023: 680,909
-- that's up from 610,000
Of course, now I'm thinking about how the population is grown, so maybe some of these things are on track, statistically speaking?
Number of Car Accident Deaths: 40,990 (2023)
-- that's up from 32,000 (2015)
Number of Legal Abortions: 1,037,000 (2023)
-- that's up from 664,435 (2015)
Number of Births: 3,596,017 (2023)
-- that's down from 3,998,076 (2014)
Number of Americans with Alzheimer's: 6.7 million
-- that's up from 5.4 million
Unemployment Rate: 3.7% (2023)
-- that's slightly up from 3.6% (2019)
-- and a lot more than 4.9% (August 2016)
Median Household Income: $80,610 (2023)
-- That's up from $55,775 (2017)
Average Price of a Home: $487,300 (2023)
-- that's up from $188,900 (2016)
Average Gas price: $3.10 (November 2024)
-- that's up from $2.32 (Jan 2017)
Poverty line for a family of four: $30,000 (2023)
Percentage of people living below the poverty line: 11.1%
Percent of upper middle-class citizens -- making between $100,000 and $350,000 a year: 29.4%
(2014) --- this is the same in 2024.
How many millionaires are in the U.S.? This varies based upon search... I'm going with the one that says 22 million...
And there were only 11 million millionaires in 2019!
There are now 801 billionaires.
-- that is up from 540
There are 653,104 homeless people living on the streets (2023).
-- that is up from 578,424
Dow Jones: 44,000
-- that's up quite a bit from 18,166 (2016)
The Number of Troops in Iraq at the end of Trump's first term: 2500
The Number of Troops in Afganistan at the end of Trump's first term: 2500
The Number of Troops in Syria at the end of Trump's first term: 900
The Number of Troops in Iraq at the end of Biden's term: 2500
The Number of Troops in Afganistan at the end of Biden's first term: Zero (?)
The Number of Troops in Syria at the end of Biden's first term: 900
Military Deaths by Hostile Action during Trump's Administration:
2017: 21
2018: 14
2019: 21
2020: 9
Military Deaths by Hostile Action during Biden's Administration:
2021: 13
2022: 0
Haven't been able to find 2023 or 2024 yet.
Source: https://dcas.dmdc.osd.mil/dcas/app/summaryData/deaths/byYearManner
There were 15,696 murders in 2015 (Obama)
There were 17,250 murders in 2016 (Obama)
There were 17,284 murders in 2017 (Trump)
There were 16,214 murders in 2018 (Trump)
There were 16,425 murders in 2019 (Trump)
There were 21,500 murders in 2020 (Trump)
There were 22,990 murders in 2021 (Biden)
There were 21,156 murders in 2022 (Biden)
There were 17,713 murders in 2023 (Biden)
Cases of Rape:
There were an estimated 90,185 in 2015 (Obama)
There were an estimated 95,730 in 2016 (Obama)
There were an estimated 135,755 in 2017 (Trump)
There were an estimated 139,380 in 2018 (Trump)
There were an estimated 139,815 in 2019 (Trump)
(The FBI changed their definition -- I think in 2013 -- so I don't know if that's one reason for this jump between administations.)
The number of robberies went down!
327,347 in 2015
247,837 in 2020
220,450 in 2022
Property crimes resulted in the loss of 14.3 billion in 2015.
Property crimes resulted in the loss of 15.8 billion in 2019.
140 officers died in the line of duty in 2016.
89 officers died in the line of duty in 2019.
129 officers died in the line of duty in 2021.
963 people were killed by police in 2016.
1004 people were killed by police in 2019.
956 people were killed by police in 2022.
Current prison population: 157,000 in Federal
-- it was 211,000 in 2016 --and it was 152,000 in 2020
986,000 in state prison
-- it was 1,351,000 -- and it was 1,215,000
There were 20 executions in 2016.
There were 17 executions in 2017.
There were 25 executions in 2018.
There were 22 executions in 2019.
There were 17 executions in 2020.
There were 11 executions in 2021.
There were 18 executions in 2022.
Marriage and Divorce:
There were 2,065,905 marriages reported in 2022.
-- down from 2014's marriage count of 2,140,272
The divorce rate is 7.0 per 1,000 total population
(about the same as 2014)
Legal Immigrant Population: 46.2 million
(It was 42 million back in 2016)The Biden Adminitsr
Unauthorized Immigrant population estimate: 11 million
-- it was 10.9 million in 2016... --- and 11 million in 2019... and 10.5 million in 2020...
1.5 million deportations took place during the Trump administration.
2 million people were deported during the Obama administration.
The Biden Administration is on pace to match the Trump administration.
High school graduation rate in 2022: 87% (up from 82.3% in 2014)
Average yearly cost of a state college education: $10,940 (up from $9,650 in 2016)