Saturday, December 16, 2023

Tinkering with Stephen King Videos...

 Well, I guess you could say I've gone ALL-IN on my Stephen King YouTube channel... It has absorbed most of my creative energies for about a year now... This is in no small part due to the fact that the videos are popular (in comparison to my Wade Bradford channel)... and the money has started to trickle in each month, just about enough to make a monthly payment on the kids' student loans. 

And they are a LOT of fun to make. 

If there is any downside, it's only that I know I'm dedicating a lot of time and energy into material that is derivative. I don't mean that as a slam against myself... I just mean that I'm playing around with another artist's work -- and so it's not going to be much more than a combination of fan-fiction and light literary analysis. 

But for now, I'm not sure about my next step as a writer of original works... I wouldn't say that the well has run dry... but it certainly seems like my middle grade adventures don't really have an audience... 

So, I'm waiting to be struck by the next brilliant idea for a picture book... But those moments of brilliance don't come often for me. 

Ugh -- I didn't mean to make another blog post whining about my writing -- but that's my favorite journal topic; I couldn't resist. Anyways... here is the latest Stephen King video. It's based upon his short story "Dolan's Cadillac." Enjoy! 

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