Friday, April 20, 2018

Belated Resolution Check-In: April Edition

Whoa! April is flying by! Heck, I have hardly posted a single blog entry, and this month is almost on its way out the door of history. Time has been flying -- though not just because I've been having fun. I've been doing a lot of work. It;s crunch time at the college. Lots of meetings. Lots of essays. Lots of quizzes. Basically, a lot of grown up stuff.

I might need to play some video games tonight to detox.

Not much creative writing has been going on lately... but this weekend I will try to make up for it. I am co-writing another play with Christopher Flowers (I think I've blogged about this before; it's a comedy about an all-inclusive resort.) So, I should probably stop bloggig and start playwriting.

But first a quick update about my New Year's Resolutions...

1) Finish Writing a New Novel

I am currently stalled on the Time Travel middle-grade. I did tinker with a chapter book. But right now I'm just kinda stuck in the mud, waiting for summer vacation.

ACHIEVEMENT: 20% Complete

2) Sell a New Picture Book

Not yet. My agent might be sending out something new, maybe as early as next week.

3) Write / Sell New Play

Some progress has been made on the all-inclusive comedy. Still in the drafting stage, but we might have a read-through in May.

4) Complete 200 Days of Writing

I've had a scant amount of 25 good writing days.

Achievement: 12.5% Complete

5) Participate in 10 Book Events

Hopefully more will be happening in the very near future.

Achievement: 30% Complete

6) Complete 100 five minute work-out sessions

It's been about a week since my last workout. (I feel like I'm at confession.)

Achievement: 51% Complete

7) Practice Drawing / Coloring for 100 Hours

Achievement: 19% Complete

8) Develop a Stronger Marketing Platform


9) Create a Portfolio with at least 12 awesome photos

Still taking lots of photos... but none of them are good. Part of it is me -- but a significant part might be I'm using an old iphone 4.

10) Learn the whole melody of Ashokan Farewell. 

Ha. I've got a lot to do this summer!


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