Monday, April 22, 2019

Twixt & Twerp

I am pleasantly surprised to say that I have actually been doing some creative writing this semester. Most of the time, I don't make much progress. I believe two years ago, I was able to get about three chapters into Glowdark, before the "essay grading blues" hit me and the project faltered.

However, this semester, I started a new middle grade novel, and I think I've gotten to the part where I am having such a good time with the characters that i hope to someday finish this one.

It's called Twixt & Twerp -- and that's such a bad title I don't mind posting information about it, since I hardly doubt anyone else would want to lay claim to such an obnoxious pair of words. It's a fantasy novel, inspired by my recent return to playing Dungeons and Dragons with some of my theater friends. (Or perhaps i should say, my recent gaming has rekindled memories of my childhood days playing the game, and that's what's inspired me to begin on this current book.)

I don't know if I will finish the novel. But I do know that I am overcoming my fear of working on longer projects that go nowhere. (Remember Duck Town??? Waaaahhhh!)

Here's a difference, with Duck Town, I truly believed and visualized its mainstream acceptance and success. However, with Twixt & Twerp, I don't think anyone will be interested in publishing it -- and probably very few will be interested in reading it. And yet, despite this, i am still interested in writing the book. I believe that's a healthy attitude. This is a rare occasion when I am telling this story with one reader in mind: myself. I genuinely want to find out what will happen next. (And since I am writing by the seat of my pants, I don't really know what's going to happen.)

It's fun. As writing should be.

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