Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Persuasive Writing Activity: Create a Commercial

Pick a number between one and six... Whatever number you pick, match it with the object above That's your product!

Imagine that you are an advertising executive and today you have been given a very unusual task.

You get to decide what this product does. (What is it? What does it do? Why would people want to buy this?)

Give it a cool name.

Now, write a 30 - 60 radio commercial script that lets your audience know about this product. Make sure you choose a distinct emotion for your audience to experience. Do you want your audience to feel relaxed? Fearful? Humorous? Excited?

Your commercial could have characters and a story, or it could be straight-froward (information delivered by a spokesperson).

Here's a little lecture video to tell you more about persuasive writing and the use of emotional appeals in advertising.

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