Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Beyond Greece: Theater in the Ancient World

Theater in Egypt (1980s BC)

Behold: the Ramesseum Dramatic Papyrus in all its tattered glory!

Get a closer look at this ancient document... 

It illustrates / details a play-like ceremony celebrating both the pharaoh Senusret I as well as this guy... Everyone's favorite bird-headed God, Horus...

"Is this thing on?"

One of the most often performed ceremonies / myths is the violent tale of Seth and Osiris. 


*not an actual line from the play

Theater in India (Sanskrit Drama, 400 - 200 BC)

The themes of ancient India's plays are very much alive and well in Bollywood... 

As with other Asian cultures in the ancient world, early Indian theater combined dance, costume, spectacle, music, and storytelling to bring mythical tales to life. However, unlike Egyptian theater, many of these stories were about everyday individuals, rather than about supernatural gods and demigods. 

Little Clay Cart is an early example of this type of play... 

Xiqu (Chinese Opera, 300 AD to Modern Day) 

Chinese drama takes the notion of spectacle up several notches, including elaborate costumes, make up designs, complex song and dance, and even acrobatics. 

Over the centuries it has developed into a wide range of genres and styles. It's earliest incarnations involved only two comical characters: a corrupt politician and a jester. 

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