Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Daily Three

I've had four productive days in a row. That's a nice change of pace, because it's been a while since I've worked (creatively) that many days in a row. Hopefully, the trend will continue.

One of the reasons I've been able to get into the groove of things is simple: I finally picked a specific project to work on. Sometimes, at the beginning of a new phase, I spend too much time fretting iver what to work on next. A play? A picture book revision? A novel?

In this case, I zeroed in on the chapter book medium... this one is about a group of friends whonhappen to be bugs. (We'll call it my Bug Book, for now.)

The other reason things are going well: I have simplified my priorities so that I wake up and I am concerned with accomplishing three tasks.

1) Exercise (Feeling fit helps you feel creative.)

2) Write at least 1500 words

3) Complete my wife's Honey-Do List (this varies in size and complexity from day-to-day, but usually doesn't take too long).

If I can finish the first two items on the list, then I can fulfill whatever family / household responsibilities that need to be done... And without me mentally whining to myself that I'm not being productive.

Once those three things are done, I have the day to myself. I can read Stephen King. i can watch Netflix. I can hang out with friends. OrIf I'm smart, I'll work ahead on my book!

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