Monday, June 10, 2019

Resolution Check-In: June 2019 Edition

We're at the halfway point, people! And I'm kind falling behind on some of these goals, but to be fair that's because I'm taking on a brand new project that's a bit more ambitious than anything esle on this list. I'll explain more after we go through the resolutions. Here they are!

1) Gain More Followers

I want to achieve at least one of the following...

I want to end the year with 1000 subscribers on YouTube. (I currently have: 311... It's been that way for a while.) 


1000 people signed up for my Newsletter. ( Currently, no newsletter exists, neither is there a sign-up list.)  

Gain a total of 1000 followers of my Author Page on Facebook....  (Currently, there are 240 followers)

So far, the YouTube channel has made the most progress, but it still has a long way to go...

ACHIEVEMENT: 31% Complete

2) Make 24 YouTube Videos

This year I have currently uploaded 18 videos. Some of them are very short and somewhat pointless and have very little views... but hey, what matters is I'm posting stuff!

If you're reading this, why not visit my youTube page and subscribe??? 

ACHIEVEMENT: 75% Complete

3) Sell Another Picture Book and/or Chapter Book

The Buggle Bunch chapter book has been sent to five different publishers. So far it has been politely turned down by one house... We are still waiting to see what the other editors have to say.

ACHIEVEMENT: 0% Complete

4) Write / Sell Another Play

Here's the thing... I am really caught up in the new novel I am writing. If i am lucky, I might finish the first draft by the end of August. But then there's all that revising to do, and school will start... So, writing and selling a new play is going to definitely be a challenge. Hopefully it will happen, but if I need to sacrifice a play in order to finish writing my novel, i will happily make that sacrifice.

ACHIEVEMENT: 0% Complete

5) Follow my New Creative Calendar (at least 52 times)

I've really dropped the ball on this one... The original goal was to have themed days that I could play around with on social media and on this blog...

Monday -- Money Makin' Mondays
-- each passing week I brainstorm, scheme, and implement

Tuesday -- Teacherly Tuesdays

Wednesday -- Heroic Humpday (Games and Geeking Out)

Thursday -- Movie / Theater Thursday

Friday -- Friendly Fridays (Good Deeds)

Saturday -- Nostalgic Narratives

Sunday -- Picture Book Sundays

But since I've been concentrating on my middle-grade novel, I haven't bothered with this playful, social media stuff -- even though I still really think it's a fun idea, and I think it could help me grow more readership online. Although, I continue to post the Thursday movie questions on facebook, so that's good. All in all, I have had 14 theme-related posts (out of an eventual 52)


ACHIEVEMENT: 11% Complete

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